RTP South Hindu Temple is an initiative of the North Carolina Hindu Association ( NCHA ).

Category: Sai Satcharitra

  • Parayana Day 1

    I do not need any paraphernalia of worship; I rest there where there is full devotion. Parayana Day 1 Summary of Chapter 1 Reader: Divya Muralidharan The first chapter of Shri Sai Satcharitra is titled “The Story of Baba Grinding Wheat” and includes the following:  Shri Hemadpant begins the work by saluting various gods, including…

  • Parayana Day 2

    The life of Sai Baba is as wide and deep as the infinite ocean, and everyone can dive deep into it and take out precious gems (of knowledge and devotion). Parayana Day 2 Summary of Chapter 2 Chapter 2 teaches how and why Hemadpant was inspired to write Sai Satcharitra. “… The answer is plain…