The life of Sai Baba is as wide and deep as the infinite ocean, and everyone can dive deep into it and take out precious gems (of knowledge and devotion).
Parayana Day 2
Summary of Chapter 2
Chapter 2 teaches how and why Hemadpant was inspired to write Sai Satcharitra. “… The answer is plain and simple. The life of Sai Baba is as wide and deep as the infinite ocean, and everyone can dive deep into it, take out precious gems (of knowledge and devotion), and distribute them to the aspiring public. “
Before commencing his project, Hemadpant sought Baba’s permission out of deep respect and reverence. Baba assured him that he would use Hemadpant as an instrument in his autobiography.
A beautiful discussion on the purpose and need for a Guru goes in-depth on Free Will and Prarabdh.
It takes less than 15 minutes to listen to this chapter on YouTube.